To a large extent, this is a matter of you get what you pay for. If we skimp on "policing" (and that need not be people in blue uniforms and carrying guns) to enforce laws against shoplifting and fare-gate jumping and public marihuana consumption and loud muffler noise, and .... and .... we will get more of those behaviors.
To a large extent, this is a matter of you get what you pay for. If we skimp on "policing" (and that need not be people in blue uniforms and carrying guns) to enforce laws against shoplifting and fare-gate jumping and public marihuana consumption and loud muffler noise, and .... and .... we will get more of those behaviors.
To a large extent, this is a matter of you get what you pay for. If we skimp on "policing" (and that need not be people in blue uniforms and carrying guns) to enforce laws against shoplifting and fare-gate jumping and public marihuana consumption and loud muffler noise, and .... and .... we will get more of those behaviors.