I believe fentanyl is never used in pure form but always mixed with filler. What if fentanyl manufacturers/ packagers have improved their quality control such that a single pill will never have enough fentanyl to cause an accidental overdose? And IV users will have access to better controlled potency less likely to cause accidental overdose?

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It never stops being weird that the NIDA director is Trotsky's great granddaughter though I guess no weirder than Stalin's granddaughter running an antique shop in Portland.

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Great essay. The delay from eastern and western states is a really interesting (and disconcerting) way to explain the decline in overdoses.

The lack of significant results from the Community-Based OUD treatment study is a little surprising given the efficacy of buprenorphine as a drug, though I read another study (doi:10.1056/NEJMc2312906) with a similar finding — the elimination of the X-waiver increased prescriber capacity, but it didn't significantly increase the actual number of prescriptions.

Even though the process of getting buprenorphine is becoming less tedious, maybe the demand for it isn't high enough that greater supply has much of an impact? I wonder if this is due more to lack of awareness of successful treatment options or just lack of motivation for seeking treatment.

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